Put a smile on your face

If you read the title and started to break out in song... then YAY I did my job.
I get emails from one of my favorite authors every Wednesday. Her blog is called Coffee for the heart and her name is Holley Gerth.
Every Wednesday God uses her to speak directly to my heart.

She shared her an excerpt from new book set to release in October and the first line caught my eye.
Yesterday I had a tough day at work and sometimes it feels like I am not cut out to do my job well.
 I was feeling like life was beating me up and I was SOO ready to throw in the towel.
Then I read the first line of her excerpt and it was like God ignited a fire in my soul.
It doesn't mean my job or circumstance changed but the change in attitude helped me see that I can finish this race or in my case my job that God has set before me.
I went through a similar experience in 2014 when I taught in North Minneapolis. I saw how God built in me perseverance and brought me through the flame when I thought I would have burned.
Looking back on that experience allowed me to see and trust God that he will bring me through this difficult experience.

A Fiercehearted Woman . . .
Looks life in the face and says, “You can’t beat me.”
Knows love is risk but reaches out anyway.
Understands kindness takes real courage.
Believes the impossible.
Fights like she’s unstoppable.
Dares to find beauty in a ragged soul.
Scandalously picks warm over cool.
Tastes life as a brief, salty-sweet miracle.
Skins her knees, has scars that bear witness.
Defends like a warrior and weeps like a girl.
Makes gentle the new strong, small the new big,
ordinary the new extraordinary.
Sees wrinkles on a face as lines in a victory story.
Never gives in, never gives up, never lets go.
Chases Jesus with a tender, world-changing wildness.
Lives in your neighborhood or not even on your continent.
Looked back at you from the mirror this morning . . .
And has yet to fully see the force her star-scattering,
mountain-moving, water-walking God created her to be.

Above are some pictures from my birthday weekend. I took two of my dear and closest friends to a hotel in Minneapolis for a girls weekend. So much fun


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