
Showing posts from June, 2010


This weekend was crazy!! Friday night I had to get last minute errands done for my open house and help my parents clean the house. Then Saturday It was my open house. It was a blast. So many people came and i was most shocked because my 3rd grade teacher came and I haven't seen her in forever. it was a nice suprise and my 6th grade teacher came too. here are some pictures And my sister made this collage of pictures of me for me. It was a nice little surprise. So the reason why I said I was finished was because I felt my grad party was the last thing that connected to me highschool. I felt like it was like shutting a door and then when college starts up in August, I will be opening a new one. hope u guys had a good weekend. Sunday I saw the killers with my family and it was pretty good. My dad liked it, he laughed alot so that was good we saw it. And this was my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Montang. One of my favorite teachers.

God is Amazing

This post will mostly be in pictures but I am back from the missions trip to Chicago. It truly was a blast and even though it was only my 2nd mission trip, I grew so much in my walk with God and he truly was at work in people of Chicago's hearts. We mostly worked with homeless people and then we cleaned streets which I was suprised how much people notice. One woman said her street hadn't been cleaned in 40 years!! Thats a long time and it taught me humility. Because me being somoene who loves working with little kids wanted to do a vbs but because the kids didn't get out of school until Wednesday the 16th we couldn't which was fine. Instead we ended up cleaning up the church becasue Wednesday the church New Life philsen was going to have a barbecue as an outreach to the community of Philsen becasue most of the community is Catholic. That was success and it was only suppossed to go from 7-9 but it ended up going an hr later with all the fun people were having. So that ...

Chi Town

Hi everyone, Today's post will be dedicated to Chicago because that's where I am going in less than 48 hrs!! Wohooo!! I am so excited!! So we leave Sunday and come back the following Sunday the 20th. The big thing about this trip is that we have no set plans which has really help me and the rest of the people going on this trip to learn to Trust in God!!! The only thing we do know is that we are staying at new life pilsten church which is a Hispanic American Church in south Oakley, Chicago. And one of the days we will be doing homeless ministry. But other than that we will be open to listen to God's voice to hear where he wants us to go. So if you guys could just pray for us that would be great. There are 18 people going including adults. We need alot of people praying for us while we are there ,pray for humility, strength, postivity and saftey and unity. Thank you . And one more thing... we just found out that someone anonymously donated money for us to go to the sears t...

I'm Back!!

Hey Guys I am back, but only for a few days because then I leave for Chicago on a mission trip on Sunday and will be gone for a week. More on than that later. ( Sorry about the picture, the only good one I could find.) So as you can see from the picture, I finally finished my Senior year of high school and it feels soo good. The next time I start school it will be at college!! wohoo! Well I guess I still have tomorrow but I just have 1 class and so that's why I consider today as my last day. My commencement is on Sunday at the Target Center. I am so excited. Now that I got the last day of school talk out of my system I just want share a video of a song that I have been hearing a lot lately and I have come to the realization that God wants me to hear this song for a reason. I think the reason is that through all the pain and trials I have endured and will endure I need to remember that joy will be coming soon and thats when Jesus returns. Have a happy tuesday. Here are a few pics ...

Yay 4 Pool Time

My weekend was wonderful!! It was nice and relaxing. I hope yours was too. So.. as you can see from the title of the post, my pool did get set up. And I did go swimming as soon as it got set up on Saturday but I must say it was pretty chilly so I wasn't in too long. But Sunday we all got to go to church. I was super happy. We had a guest speaker who talked about Fear., which i learned a lot about. His main point was we should never be afraid because God is always with us and the only person we should fear is God. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, he is to be feared above all other Gods. Pslam 96:4 Then later that day my family including my grandma went to see Just Wright. It was very cute and even my dad and brother came so all around its a good flick for boys and girls. Monday was a really fun day. My family and I did go to my Grandma's house that day for a babrecue. But while we there we had a water balloon fight and it was a blast. The next few pictures will...