
This weekend was crazy!! Friday night I had to get last minute errands done for my open house and help my parents clean the house.

Then Saturday It was my open house. It was a blast. So many people came and i was most shocked because my 3rd grade teacher came and I haven't seen her in forever. it was a nice suprise and my 6th grade teacher came too. here are some pictures

And my sister made this collage of pictures of me for me. It was a nice little surprise.

So the reason why I said I was finished was because I felt my grad party was the last thing that connected to me highschool. I felt like it was like shutting a door and then when college starts up in August, I will be opening a new one.
hope u guys had a good weekend. Sunday I saw the killers with my family and it was pretty good. My dad liked it, he laughed alot so that was good we saw it.

And this was my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Montang. One of my favorite teachers.


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