Yay 4 Pool Time
My weekend was wonderful!! It was nice and relaxing. I hope yours was too.
So.. as you can see from the title of the post, my pool did get set up. And I did go swimming as soon as it got set up on Saturday but I must say it was pretty chilly so I wasn't in too long.

But Sunday we all got to go to church. I was super happy. We had a guest speaker who talked about Fear., which i learned a lot about. His main point was we should never be afraid because God is always with us and the only person we should fear is God.
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, he is to be feared above all other Gods.
Pslam 96:4
Then later that day my family including my grandma went to see Just Wright.
It was very cute and even my dad and brother came so all around its a good flick for boys and girls.
Monday was a really fun day. My family and I did go to my Grandma's house that day for a babrecue. But while we there we had a water balloon fight and it was a blast. The next few pictures will speak for themselves.

this one was being thrown at me by my cousin Brock.
This is my sister Haylee taking a break from filling up water balloons. She is one funny girl.
My other sister Abbey. As you can see she has a camera in her hand, she loves taking pictures and then making a movie with them.
So then after the water balloon fight and kickball, we had angel food cake for dessert, and I had to show a funny a picture of my dad, with his permission of course. He was so tired out from kickball. This was him after.

So as you can see I had a wonderful relaxing weekend. But I have to say I am going to take a break from blogging for a week due to finals I have to study for . Then when school gets out next Wednesday I will be back.
See ya later blog world.
So.. as you can see from the title of the post, my pool did get set up. And I did go swimming as soon as it got set up on Saturday but I must say it was pretty chilly so I wasn't in too long.
But Sunday we all got to go to church. I was super happy. We had a guest speaker who talked about Fear., which i learned a lot about. His main point was we should never be afraid because God is always with us and the only person we should fear is God.
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, he is to be feared above all other Gods.
Pslam 96:4
Then later that day my family including my grandma went to see Just Wright.
Monday was a really fun day. My family and I did go to my Grandma's house that day for a babrecue. But while we there we had a water balloon fight and it was a blast. The next few pictures will speak for themselves.
So then after the water balloon fight and kickball, we had angel food cake for dessert, and I had to show a funny a picture of my dad, with his permission of course. He was so tired out from kickball. This was him after.
So as you can see I had a wonderful relaxing weekend. But I have to say I am going to take a break from blogging for a week due to finals I have to study for . Then when school gets out next Wednesday I will be back.
See ya later blog world.
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