I'm Back!!

Hey Guys I am back, but only for a few days because then I leave for Chicago on a mission trip on Sunday and will be gone for a week. More on than that later. ( Sorry about the picture, the only good one I could find.)

So as you can see from the picture, I finally finished my Senior year of high school and it feels soo good. The next time I start school it will be at college!! wohoo! Well I guess I still have tomorrow but I just have 1 class and so that's why I consider today as my last day. My commencement is on Sunday at the Target Center. I am so excited.

Now that I got the last day of school talk out of my system I just want share a video of a song that I have been hearing a lot lately and I have come to the realization that God wants me to hear this song for a reason. I think the reason is that through all the pain and trials I have endured and will endure I need to remember that joy will be coming soon and thats when Jesus returns.

Have a happy tuesday. Here are a few pics from my weekend.

Christies grad party

Beckas grad party

Revolution ( a youth group event put on by 4 bands crreated to bring others to Christ)


  1. fun fun fun!! I can't believe your graduated, almost. Where does time go??

  2. Congrats on graduating! It is such an awesome yet bittersweet time in life. Enjoy Chicago with the team and appreciate every moment you have this summer--it's the last one you have before college starts!


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