Chi Town

Hi everyone, Today's post will be dedicated to Chicago because that's where I am going in less than 48 hrs!! Wohooo!! I am so excited!!
So we leave Sunday and come back the following Sunday the 20th. The big thing about this trip is that we have no set plans which has really help me and the rest of the people going on this trip to learn to Trust in God!!! The only thing we do know is that we are staying at new life pilsten church which is a Hispanic American Church in south Oakley, Chicago. And one of the days we will be doing homeless ministry. But other than that we will be open to listen to God's voice to hear where he wants us to go. So if you guys could just pray for us that would be great. There are 18 people going including adults. We need alot of people praying for us while we are there ,pray for humility, strength, postivity and saftey and unity. Thank you . And one more thing...

we just found out that someone anonymously donated money for us to go to the sears tower
on our last day so Praise God.

Tomorrow I'll be going to grad parties in the afternoon and then packing at night because our luggage needs to be dropped off tomorrow night at the church so they can get going right away Sunday morning. I say they because I have my commencement on Sunday so I'll be taking a flight later and meeting them there around 5:30.

Oh and kinda out of order but tonight my family and I are trying out the new resturant close by our house called 5 Guys.
It should be good because my family's friends have had great reviews.

I hope you guys have a good weekend, See you on the 20th.


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