God is Amazing

This post will mostly be in pictures but I am back from the missions trip to Chicago. It truly was a blast and even though it was only my 2nd mission trip, I grew so much in my walk with God and he truly was at work in people of Chicago's hearts. We mostly worked with homeless people and then we cleaned streets which I was suprised how much people notice. One woman said her street hadn't been cleaned in 40 years!! Thats a long time and it taught me humility. Because me being somoene who loves working with little kids wanted to do a vbs but because the kids didn't get out of school until Wednesday the 16th we couldn't which was fine. Instead we ended up cleaning up the church becasue Wednesday the church New Life philsen was going to have a barbecue as an outreach to the community of Philsen becasue most of the community is Catholic. That was success and it was only suppossed to go from 7-9 but it ended up going an hr later with all the fun people were having. So that was awesome. So here come the pictures. btw the top picture is of me and my parents on the day of my graduation because my commencement was the same day that we left 4 chicago.


  1. WOW! Awesome lessons learned in Chicago. I would LOVE to hear more... planning on coming to your fun grad partay on Saturday! WOO HOO! Blessings,

  2. Cute cute pics!!!! See you soon love. =)


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